Task Description & Approach
We present 2 specific tasks that can be conqured by our layered temporal dataset. One is self-supervised generation refinmenet and the other is self-supervised segmentation. Along with the task description, we also describe the implementation details of our model for tackling the generation refinement task.
Self-supervised Generation Refinement
For this task, the input is a sketch, and the output is a refined illustration.
Our dataset enables generalized refining illustration using different layers and during the creation process.
We adapt the model from MUNIT[4] for the refinement task. The model learns to recolor the content.
Self-supervised Segmentation
For this task, the input is an illustration, and the output is a batch of segmented layers.
Our dataset enables fine-grained segmentation of layers on any illustration (unknown layer information).
Results on Generation Refinement Task
We show results on using conditional generation model MUNIT.[4]
[Code Avaliable]
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